Uses of Package
ClassDescriptionAllocation of Nodes (blank nodes usually) based on the graph and scope.
ClassDescriptionInterface to allocators for blank nodes.Allocate bnode labels using a per-run seed and the label presented.Base class for StreamRDF implementations which store received
objects in aCollection
.Allocation of Nodes (blank nodes usually) based on the graph and scope.Common operations for RIOT token stream parsing - not the implementation LangRIOT.N-Quads, N-triples parser framework, with both push and pull interfaces.Interface for tokenizer-based parsersThe main engine for all things Turtle-ish (Turtle, TriG). -
ClassDescriptionAllocation of Nodes (blank nodes usually) based on the graph and scope.
ClassDescriptionAllocation of Nodes (blank nodes usually) based on the graph and scope.Provide counts of triples/quads/tuples
ClassDescriptionCommon operations for RIOT token stream parsing - not the implementation LangRIOT.