Class HttpLib


public class HttpLib extends Object
Operations related to SPARQL HTTP requests - Query, Update and Graph Store protocols. This class is not considered "API".
  • Field Details

    • BEARER

      public static String BEARER

      public static String BEARER_PREFIX
    • FusekiRequestIdHeader

      public static String FusekiRequestIdHeader
  • Method Details

    • noBody

      public static HttpResponse.BodyHandler<Void> noBody()
    • stringBody

      public static HttpRequest.BodyPublisher stringBody(String str)
    • basicAuth

      public static String basicAuth(String username, String password)
      Calculate basic auth header value. Use with header "Authorization" (constant HttpNames.hAuthorization). Best used over https.
    • bearerAuthHeader

      public static String bearerAuthHeader(String tokenBase64)
      Calculate bearer auth header value. The token supplied is expected to already be in base 64. Use with header "Authorization" (constant HttpNames.hAuthorization).
    • bearerAuthTokenFromHeader

      public static String bearerAuthTokenFromHeader(String authHeaderString)
      Extract the token, without decoding, The token supplied is expected to already be in base 64. Use with header "Authorization" (constant HttpNames.hAuthorization).
    • getInputStream

      public static InputStream getInputStream(HttpResponse<InputStream> httpResponse)
      Get the InputStream from an HttpResponse, handling possible compression settings. The application must consume or close the InputStream (see finish(InputStream)). Closing the InputStream may close the HTTP connection. Assumes the status code has been handled e.g. handleHttpStatusCode(<>) has been called.
    • handleHttpStatusCode

      public static void handleHttpStatusCode(HttpResponse<InputStream> response)
      Deal with status code and any error message sent as a body in the response.

      It is this handling 4xx/5xx error messages in the body that forces the use of InputStream, not generic T. We don't know until we see the status code how we are going to process the response body.

      Exits normally without processing the body if the response is 200.

      Throws HttpException for 3xx (redirection should have happened by now), 4xx and 5xx, having consumed the body input stream.

    • handleResponseInputStream

      public static InputStream handleResponseInputStream(HttpResponse<InputStream> httpResponse)
      Handle the HTTP response (see handleHttpStatusCode(HttpResponse)) and return the InputStream if a 200.
      httpResponse -
    • handleResponseTypedInputStream

      public static TypedInputStream handleResponseTypedInputStream(HttpResponse<InputStream> httpResponse)
      Handle the HTTP response (see handleHttpStatusCode(HttpResponse)) and return the TypedInputStream that includes the Content-Type if a 200.
      httpResponse -
    • handleResponseNoBody

      public static void handleResponseNoBody(HttpResponse<InputStream> response)
      Handle the HTTP response and consume the body if a 200. Otherwise, throw an HttpException.
      response -
    • handleResponseRtnString

      public static String handleResponseRtnString(HttpResponse<InputStream> response)
      Handle the HTTP response and read the body to produce a string if a 200. Otherwise, throw an HttpException.
      response -
    • finish

      public static void finish(InputStream input)
      Read to end of InputStream. close may close the underlying HTTP connection. See HttpResponse.BodySubscribers.ofInputStream().
    • toRequestURI

      public static URI toRequestURI(String uriStr)
      String to URI. Throws HttpException on bad syntax or if the URI isn't absolute.
    • isEndpoint

      public static boolean isEndpoint(URI uri)
      Test whether a URI is a service endpoint. It must be absolute, with host and path, and without query string or fragment.
    • endpoint

      public static String endpoint(String uriStr)
      Return a string (assumed to be an absolute URI) without query string or fragment.
    • endpointURI

      public static URI endpointURI(URI uri)
      URI, without query string and fragment.
    • requestTargetServer

      public static String requestTargetServer(URI uri)
      The "request target" for digest auth. The server-side name of a resource - no authority (the host part).

      RFC 7616 (digest auth), section 3.4 The Effective Request URI (Section 5.5 of RFC7230).

      For SPARQL, the target is the service, not a resource named by the uri+query string.

      This makes query-by-GET and query-by-POST work the same way.

    • newGetRequest

      public static HttpRequest newGetRequest(String url, Consumer<HttpRequest.Builder> modifier)
      Return a HttpRequest
    • dft

      public static <X> X dft(X value, X dftValue)
    • copyArray

      public static <X> List<X> copyArray(List<X> array)
    • urlEncodeQueryString

      public static String urlEncodeQueryString(String str)
      Encode a string suitable for use in an URL query string
    • requestURL

      public static String requestURL(String url, String queryString)
      Query string is assumed to already be encoded.
    • requestBuilderFor

      public static HttpRequest.Builder requestBuilderFor(String serviceEndpoint)
    • requestBuilder

      public static HttpRequest.Builder requestBuilder(String url, Map<String,String> httpHeaders, long readTimeout, TimeUnit readTimeoutUnit)
    • createBuilder

      public static HttpRequest.Builder createBuilder(HttpRequest request)
      Create a HttpRequest.Builder from an HttpRequest.
    • acceptHeader

      public static HttpRequest.Builder acceptHeader(HttpRequest.Builder builder, String acceptHeader)
      Set the "Accept" header if value is not null. Returns the builder.
    • contentTypeHeader

      public static HttpRequest.Builder contentTypeHeader(HttpRequest.Builder builder, String contentType)
      Set the "Content-Type" header if value is not null. Returns the builder.
    • execute

      public static HttpResponse<InputStream> execute(HttpClient httpClient, HttpRequest httpRequest)
      Execute a request, return a HttpResponse<InputStream> which can be passed to handleResponseInputStream(HttpResponse) which will convert non-2xx status code to HttpExceptions.

      This function applies the HTTP authentication challenge support and will repeat the request if necessary with added authentication.

      See AuthEnv for authentication registration.
      See executeJDK(, to execute exactly once without challenge response handling.

      httpClient -
      httpRequest -
      See Also:
    • executeJDK

      public static HttpResponse<InputStream> executeJDK(HttpClient httpClient, HttpRequest httpRequest)
      Execute request and return a HttpResponse<InputStream> response. Status codes have not been handled. The response can be passed to handleResponseInputStream(HttpResponse) which will convert non-2xx status code to HttpExceptions.
      httpClient -
      httpRequest -
    • executeJDK

      public static <T> HttpResponse<T> executeJDK(HttpClient httpClient, HttpRequest httpRequest, HttpResponse.BodyHandler<T> bodyHandler)
      Execute request and return a response without authentication challenge handling. Status codes have not been handled. This is a call to HttpClient.send converting exceptions to HttpException. request and responses are logged as "debug" to logger org.apache.jena.http.HTTP.
      httpClient -
      httpRequest -
      bodyHandler -
    • httpPushData

      public static void httpPushData(HttpClient httpClient, Push style, String url, Consumer<HttpRequest.Builder> modifier, HttpRequest.BodyPublisher body)
      Push data. POST, PUT, PATCH request with no response body data.
    • httpPushWithResponse

      public static HttpResponse<InputStream> httpPushWithResponse(HttpClient httpClient, Push style, String url, Consumer<HttpRequest.Builder> modifier, HttpRequest.BodyPublisher body)
    • modifyByService

      public static void modifyByService(String serviceURI, Context context, Params params, Map<String,String> httpHeaders)
      Allow setting additional/optional HTTP headers and query parameters on a per remote service (including for SERVICE) basis.
      • ARQ.httpRequestModifer - the specific modifier
      • ARQ.httpRegistryRequestModifer - the registry, keyed by service URL.
    • setHeaders

      public static Consumer<HttpRequest.Builder> setHeaders(Map<String,String> headers)
      Return a modifier that will set the Accept header to the value. An argument of "null" means "no action".
    • responseHeader

      public static String responseHeader(HttpResponse<?> response, String headerName)
      Return the first header of the given name, or null if none
    • isFuseki

      public static boolean isFuseki(String datasetURL)
      Test whether a URL identifies a Fuseki server. This operation can not guarantee to detect a Fuseki server - for example, it may be behind a reverse proxy that masks the signature.